
TRANsecta Sismica CORdillera BEtica:
2013-07-01 to 2015-07-31
In the Western Mediterranean sea the contact between the Iberian and African plates has not a clear and delineated boundary. The diffuse contact area of ~400 km wide and ~1200 km long present a widespread deformation between the old continental margins. Several tectonic models have been proposed to explain the evolution of this plate boundary but more information about the crustal an mantle structure is needed to elucidate between those models. The main goal of this project -TRANSCORBE- is to study the Crustal and Mantle structure of the transition between the different domains that form the northern part of the Africa and Iberian plate boundary. We use receiver function techniques in a highly dense profile of broad band stations: ~120 km long with spacing of ~3 km between stations. The aim is to study the transition between the contact area of the Alboran domain and the stable continental region known as the Iberian Massif domain.

Related People

Person Institute
Jose Morales Soto (PI) University of Granada
Benjamin Heit (Coapplicant) GFZ Potsdam
Xiaohui Yuan (Coapplicant) GFZ Potsdam
Daniel Stich (Coapplicant) University of Granada
Flor de Lis Mancilla Perez (Coapplicant) University of Granada

Used Equipment

Device Amount
EDL 60
BB 40


[37.75° N, 3° W]