
2020-10-15 to 2022-08-31
Deployment of seismic network and GNSS stations in the Atacama region in Northern Chile (segment last broken in 1922 megathrust earthquake). intriguing episodes of slow slip events have been reported by French group (Klein et al 2018), and the densified network aims to address the relation between aseismic and seismic slip modes and transients.

Related People

Person Institute
Frederik Tilmann (PI) GFZ Potsdam
Bernd Schurr (Coapplicant) GFZ Potsdam
Marcos Moreno (Coapplicant) University of Concepcion
Dietrich Lange (Coapplicant) GEOMAR Kiel

Used Equipment

Device Amount
Cube3 extern 10
Cube3 intern 50
Mark L4C 20
Trillium Compact 20
3-D Geophone 20


[27° S, 70.4° W]

Related Publications and Data

Code Type
Anillo dataset