
2010-03-01 to 2012-04-25
In the frame of the DFG Buendelantrag (PAK262)"Megathrust seismicity and upper plate response-deformation transients of the subduction earthquake cycle" our project: "Physics and structure of subduction-induced geodynamic transients in terms of reflection seismic and micro seismological signatures" will observe the seismicity with a local seismological net in the area of the Salar Grande in Northern Chile.Results of this project will contribute to the following issues: Eartquake cycle, Fault related seismicity (Atacama Fault Zone), Non volcanic tremors, Earthquake swarms.

Related People

Person Institute
Peter Wigger (PI) Freie Universitaet Berlin

Used Equipment

Device Amount
EDL 12
Mark L4C 12


[20.83° S, 70.033° W]

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