
forest as a metamaterial for seismic waves:
2016-10-13 to 2016-10-31
The objective is the deployment of a very dense array (about 1000 nodes) at the interface between an open field and a forest close to Bordeaux (France) to study the noise suppression due to the presence of a meta-material.

Related People

Person Institute
Dino Bindi (Coapplicant) GFZ Potsdam
Philippe Roux (PI) ISTerre Grenoble
Philippe Gueguen (Coapplicant) ISTerre Grenoble
Fabrice Cotton (Coapplicant) GFZ Potsdam

Used Equipment

Device Amount
Cube3 100
3-D Geophone 100


[44.8378° N, 0.57944° W]

Related Data

There is data available from this project, but this data has no DOI yet. If you are interested, please contact us.