
South-Betic Orogen: Delamination And Seismicity:
2017-01-02 to 2018-09-30
A dense passive broadband transect and accompanying stations along the southern coast of Spain will be used to investigate the deep structure and earthquakes associated with ongoing delamination, providing a missing piece to understand Iberia-Maghreb geodynamics.

Related People

Person Institute
Daniel Stich (PI) University of Granada
Benjamin Heit (Coapplicant) GFZ Potsdam
Xiaohui Yuan (Coapplicant) GFZ Potsdam
Flor de Lis Mancilla Perez (Coapplicant) University of Granada
Jose Morales Soto (Coapplicant) University of Granada

Used Equipment

Device Amount
EDL 10
Mark L4C 10


[36.68° N, 4.2° W]