
2022-11-08 to 2023-01-23
Within the interdisciplinary VECTOR project aiming to integrate the scientific and social pathways to successful mineral exploration and mining, LARGE-N seismic deployments are planned in two target regions (Spremberg, Germany, and Irish Midlands).

Related People

Person Institute
Trond Ryberg (PI) GFZ Potsdam
Christian Haberland (Coapplicant) GFZ Potsdam
Moritz Kirsch (Coapplicant) Helmholtz-Institut Freiberg für Ressourcentechnologie (HiF) of HZDR

Used Equipment

Device Amount
Datacube 210
1C Geophone (4.5 Hz) 210
Cube3 intern 10
Trillium Compact 10


[53.65° N, 7° W]

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